Since our humble beginnings back in 2017, things have changed a little. We worked out of a shed at the back of our property. At first Taits Rural was a small side hustle, our growth has progressed somewhat noticeably in the past 8 years.

Since 2021, we have been running out of a rural property near Invercargill in Southland, New Zealand. We have added more yard space and increased our inventory of round balers and mowers. Consequently running out of both yard and shed space.

Today, we are now maxed out on space in both our yard and building.

Watch this space...we currently have a 4Ha site under development with a completion date of August this year.

With our new yard well underway, we are in the process of adding combines, square balers and power harrows along with other machinery for dismantling.
Give either of us a call if you have a piece of plant you want to cash up.
Bruno 021 826 084 or Glen 021 537 602

Wanted...machinery to sell! We are always on the hunt for good mowers, power harrows, Bale Buggy's and silage wagons etc to sell. Get in touch if you have a piece of machinery you want to cash up

Machines for sale...we have a variety machines arriving daily over the winter. From mowers and balers to feed out gear. click here to view what we currently have in stock, finance available and trade ins welcome (especially if its damaged or worn out)
Contact Bruno on 021 826 084
Winter servicing on your mower or round baler? Save yourself $$ by purchasing used parts. (We have literally 1000s of parts available online). Plus not only mowers and balers click this like to view our entire range of machinery online.